1.5 weeks Post-Op…

Noel is continuing to do well. Her incision looks great. I am amazed by how quickly it is healing. Thank goodness we have had no complications there. She goes for her incision check tomorrow. She is handling the stairs so well that I am letting her up and down them as long as I am standing close by. She goes up like she has 4 legs..going down is a little more of a balance trick. She tried to chase a rabbit across the yard this morning! I had to hold her back. Impressive right? She is still just laying down most of the day. She is getting up to greet most visitors and even joined the kids during circle time one day this week. Even though things are going well her energy is nowhere near her normal self, which I am sure is to be expected only a week and a half later.

She has started whimpering like a crying baby. She didn’t really do this much at all right after the surgery. I wake up in the middle night to her crying. She is not really moving or anything just lying there. She does lay on her incision sometimes and she even curls up like she used to, which seems like it would be painful on the incision site. I try to readjust her, but she generally moves back to the way she wants. Maybe this is causing the whimpering? Is this possibly the phantom pain I have read about? I should note that before her amputation, she would whine/cry if she wanted something like food or to go outside or love. She does not bark much, she almost talks to us instead. But this whining is different because she does it when she is not even moving and in the middle of the night usually.

3 thoughts on “1.5 weeks Post-Op…”

  1. Gosh, just a week and a half and she’s laying on her amp. side some and trying to chase bunnies?? GOOD JOB NOEL!!

    Yes, resting a lot is good right now and it’s exactly what she needs to do. She’s still revuilding different muscles, recovering from major surgery and still most likeky dealing with pain.

    My Happy Hannah whimpered and was whinning, restless, pretty mich for the first two weeks. Usually…not always…the phantom pain is marked by loud yelps and the dog tries to get up and “move away from the pain”. Phantom usually lasts minutes at the most…again…not always.

    Don’t know Noel’s pain doseage, but maybe, with the vet’s permission, up it up a touch at night. My Happy Hannah didn’t lay on her amp. site until the fifth week! That’s when I knew for certain she wass over the pain!

    Also, even thoughnthe whining sounds different, see if givingher a treat “calms” her…that might give you a clue.

    Would LOVE to see somepics of Noel when you can. She’s just so darn cute in her banner!!

    Hang in there! You are doing great! Really!! Just don’t let her over-do it….she sounds like she’s ready to go get some bunnies flr nex Easter!!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Hmmm. I’m sorry I’m just now replying. How is she doing now? If this keeps up I would say that it can probably be phantom limb pain. Talk to your vet about a drug called Gabapentin, which usually helps. We also just posted about this product called Farabloc: http://gear.tripawds.com/2014/05/01/phantom-limb-pain-relief-with-farabloc/

    I LOVE Sally’s idea about giving her a treat, that is super insightful! See if that helps and please let us know OK? Good luck!

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